Costello reiterates call for Greyhound to Get its Own House in Order

15 February 2012

by Cllr Joe Costello

I am calling on Greyhound again to withdraw its ultimatum to cease collection of waste from tomorrow for householders whose account is not in credit.

There are continuing complaints, particularly in the north inner city, in relation to the inadequacies of the collection process. Greyhound's system of collection is clearly flawed, with black bags in the north inner city being left for lengthy periods of time without collection.

There is a need for a period of time to ensure that Greyhound puts in place streamlined services and, on the other hand, to allow householders to get their account in credit. If Greyhound persists with its ultimatum tomorrow, there will be utter confusion, anger and mayhem throughout the city.

If Greyhound has a contract that requires it to provide an efficient service to householders, it should ensure that its contractual responsibilities are in place before it demands payment for its services.