Costello welcomes resolution to Fr Scully house saga
9 December 2014
by Cllr Joe Costello
I welcome the agreement made at the meeting last night, which was convened by Minister Alan Kelly with the Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin, Dublin City Council, the Catholic Housing Aid Society (CHAS) and myself in relation to Fr Scully House, Gardiner Street, Dublin 1. The sense of urgency at the meeting was palpable.
It is now imperative that the agreement to house the original 24 tenants who have been waiting to return to Fr Scully House be implemented without delay. They should be back in their brand new refurbished homes before Christmas – a welcome Christmas present after nine years in temporary accommodation.
It was further agreed that the long-running row between DCC and CHAS would have to be resolved by Thursday, 11 December so that the process of accommodating the 75 additional tenants whom DCC had nominated for Fr Scully House could be completed without further delay.
Fr Scully House is a 99-unit voluntary housing complex for senior citizens.
The allocation of the units will create new vacancies which will be filled by the many families in the Inner City in need of housing. This in turn will help to ease the present housing crisis.