Receiver should not have power to evict families from Lynam’s Hotel
23 July 2016
by Cllr Joe Costello
The Receiver appointed to Lynam’s Hotel in O’Connell Street is seeking to have all the homeless families removed as the hotel is being put up for sale.
It is unacceptable that the sale of property by a receiver should be given priority over the lives of the people living in that property. The needs of people should come before the disposal of indebted property.
The Government should legislate to ensure that in the event of a landlord or hotelier becoming bankrupt their tenants and guests should not be compelled to vacate their accommodation immediately, but should continue to be allowed dwell there while the property is being disposed of.
In this case and in the context of the recently published €5.3 billion Action Plan for Housing by the Government, I believe that Dublin City Council should purchase Lynam’s Hotel for emergency accommodation for the homeless. The number of homeless families is increasing each month and emergency accommodation will still be required for a considerable period. Lynam’s Hotel is in O’Connell Street, in the heart of the City and is ideally located as a centre for accommodation.