New strategy needed to deal with gangland criminals- Costello
31 January 2018
by Cllr Joe Costello
Commenting on the latest shooting in Dublin City, Labour representative for Dublin Central Joe Costello, said:
"The shooting of a man in James Larkin House in the North Inner City is the fifteenth killing with possible links to the Kinahan-Hutch gangland feud.
"The feud has spread throughout the North and South Inner City and has now become virtually a full-scale war between criminal gangs. Our communities are traumatised and living in constant fear of being caught up in the crossfire. Children, in particular, are psychologically affected by the fear and danger and the presence of heavily armed police where they live, go to school and play
"Despite the establishment of the Emergency Response Unit (ERU) the Gardaí have been unable to gain control of the situation.
"Totally innocent people have been killed.
"It is a war of drugs. It is fuelled by drug money. It is paid for by drug money. It is the classical mafia situation. There are wealthy, ruthless cartels based abroad supplying the drugs with their dealers to distribute in Ireland to the drug addicts in the North Inner City.
"The authorities despite some success have been unable to cut the supply of drugs and drug money coming into the country. They will be unable to do so without the establishment of an international Criminal Assets Bureau (ICAB). Until the cartels and their wealth are hit at source, there will be no let-up in the murders in the North Inner City and an already vulnerable community will continue to be further victimised.
"It is time for the Government and the Gardaí to revisit their strategy to put these murderous gangs out of business and to protect the community."
Contact Joe Costello 087 245 0777